Whatsapp- Create an Account & Learn All Basic Tips [2021]
5 years agoon

Whatsapp is the most popular Instant Messenger in the world. This free Messaging app allows people to connect and Via Text, Voice as well as video calls, images and other media, documents, and user location. No matter where ever you are. Read this “Whatsapp- Create an Account & Learn All Basic Tips” till the end to Become a Power User of Whatsapp
Get BEST Symbols Status For Whatsapp
In this guide, we’re going to show you how to get started with Whatsapp and How to use it’s latest features. After this GUIDE, You will understand all the necessary functions. Whatsapp is available on Most of the Operating Systems We list below Popular Devices
- Android
- iPhone
- BlackBerry
- Windows Phone
- Nokia (Java, Symbian, etc.)
- PC

E.g., Whatsapp For Android
You can create Whatsapp account from your smartphone or tablet by Clicking any of the links above to download the version applicable to your phone. Alternatively, you may choose to use BlueStacks to run the Android version of Whatsapp on your PC or Mac. Let’s Start!
Whatsapp Create an Account
Follow these step-by-step instructions to Create a Whatsapp Account
- Once the application is downloaded, Open Whatsapp from your Application Menu or Homescreen

Open Whatsapp
The WhatsApp icon looks like a green speech bubble and a telephone inside that.
- Then the first thing you must do is accept the terms of service for WhatsApp. There, click on the OK button and continue.

Accept Whatsapp Terms & Conditions
- On the next Screen, select your country and type your Phone number. Whatsapp will use this number to verify your phone.

Whatsapp Verify Phone Number
- Then Tap YES to confirm the Number entered is correct. Now Whatsapp will send you a verification code on your phone. If the sim card is on the same phone, then the mobile number will be automatically verified. If not, enter it manually.
- Then you need to enter your name in the next window, and press DONE!

Provide Name and Edit Profile Picture: Whatsapp
You can also change your profile picture in the same window. Tap on edit under the circle on the left side
Now You’re all set to use the Most Popular Whatsapp Messenger. AS We promised we had added Some Extra Basic Tips for Whatsapp as a BONUS, See below
Essential Tips for Whatsapp [BONUS]
Whatsapp Text Formatting
Whatsapp Now allows you to format messages like as we do in Word Processors like MS Word.
You can send any text like BOLD, Italic Or the Strikethrough letters. For this to work, you need the latest version of Whatsapp in your device. Let’s see how to do this!
So first of all, when you need to type something in the BOLD letters add asterisk sign( * )before and after the text.
E.g., *This is Bold Text *, See the picture below

Whatsapp BOLD Text
The next thing you can do is the italic style for that you need to add underscore ( _ ) instead of an asterisk sign.
E.g., _This is Italic Text_

Whatsapp Italic Text
The next style is the strikethrough. To send strikethrough text in WhatsApp, add this tilde (~) sign.
E.g., ~This is Strikethrough Text~

Whatsapp Strikethrough Text
Update: In the new WhatsApp update, you can change the font style easily by selecting the text and selecting a form-style from the pop-up, No need to add the signs manually. If it is not working on your device, Try the above method
Want to Know about Whatsapp Payments
Whatsapp Important Tips & Tricks Everyone Must Know
- Whatsapp Privacy Tips
One of the most important thing to look out for in social media and messaging services is privacy now back in time there were no much options in Whatsapp to safeguard the confidentiality, but now you can control things like who can see your Last Seen Status, Profile Picture, and your status Message
Here we are giving you some WhatsApp Privacy Tips & Tricks Everyone Must Know
You can use these Tips on both Android and Ios. I assure you, You can use many of these tips to get the most out of the Whatsapp Experience. Let’s Get Started!
- First Open Whatsapp and Head over to Settings
- Then go to Accounts and select the option Privacy
- Here you can hide Last Seen Timestamp, Profile Picture, Whatsapp Status
- You can choose if everyone or just your contacts or no-one according to your needs. Additionally, you can block connections with whom you don’t want to interact with from there.
- You can also disable the Read receipts that is the blue ticks that tell contact that you have read His/Her Messages.
- Whatsapp Group Tips
The Next Tip we are giving you is useful for Whatsapp Groups When you have sent a message, and there are many members in the group the blue tick doesn’t tell you if the message was delivered or read. To get more insight on a message to hold the message to highlight it and then press the info icon at the top. There you can see as to how many contacts the message got delivered to and how many of them have read it. Which is pretty useful at many times.
Check Out: Symbols Status Whatsapp [BEST Collection -2019]
BONUS TIP: If you have changed your number and you wish to be included in all the groups you were a part of, There is a better way to get that done than asking the group admin. In the Whatsapp, settings navigate to account option and select the option to change the number (You should have the new sim inserted on the phone).
Now on the Change Number screen Enter your old number along with the new number and tap on done! Then verify your account using OTP, and then Whatsapp will communicate with the server and add you to all the existing groups with the new number. It is beneficial when you need to change your number and you are subscribed to a lot of groups you don’t want to miss.
Enable CHAT HEADS for Whatsapp [Get Whatsapp Floating Notifications]
This trick is only available on Android devices, and need a third party app called Dashedow. You can Download it from the link below. After you activate the app, the floating icon will help you with the notifications, and you’ll be able to read the messages for the incoming WhatsApp messages. But You can reply to messages only by opening the chat heads
- You can’t reply to messages from this chat heads
- Need Android 4.0 or higher, Not supported on lower versions
Whatsapp Data Saving
- Save Data while using Whatsapp Calls
This option can be activated from Settings> Data & Storage Usage then Tick on Low Data Usage on Call Settings. This feature is available on both Android and ios Devices.

Check This Option
We have tried this feature, and it consumed very less data when compared to Calls without this feature turned on, and the call quality we didn’t get any lags or any issues, So it’s overall a nice feature for limited data users.
- Save Cellular DATA when using Whatsapp
To save DATA even further you are on a cellular network you can choose to deactivate Auto Media Download. To disable this navigate to Settings> Data & Storage Usage and select the option from When Using Mobile Data From Media auto-download, there you can configure what can be downloaded while you’re on the data. Using The same way you can set the data usage when you’re on Wi-Fi and the Roaming Network.

Select “When Using Mobile Data”
Backup Whatsapp Messages
Backups of the chats are vital. I saw many of my friends worried about their lost chats in Whatsapp. But you don’t need to worry about this issue anymore. Both Android and ios give the option of CLOUD BACKUP. The backup option is located under the chat settings and while ios Backups can only be taken on icloud and Android provides the option of “to local storage” as well as google drive as the backup location

Whatsapp Backup Option- Android
- Whatsapp Web
While you are busy working on a computer, you can use the browser to send or receive messages through WhatsApp. However the fact is that the browser will only emulate the Whatsapp that’s on the phone, the messages will be sent and collected using the phone network itself
To activate Whatsapp Web Open Whatsapp Webpage on the browser and at the same time open the settings on your app, All you need to do is scan the QR Code and pair. Once paired you’ll be able to use the Whatsapp on your browser
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So, Guys, these are some of the Whatsapp tips to become a power user. And for beginners “Whatsapp- Create an account section” will help you to start with Whatsapp. If you have any doubts regarding the above content, feel free to ask we are happy to help you. If you like this article don’t forget to share this with your friends
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BEST SYMBOLS STATUS WHATSAPP |Funny| Love| Crazy| Romantic Collection
Before jumping into the Symbols status WhatsApp [Collection]. let’s know little about the WhatsApp.
In the present world, there is no such person who doesn’t know about Whatsapp, and there is no phone in the world which does not have WhatsApp. Well, we all know that Whatsapp is the popular messaging app in the present world as it allows the person to text, do a voice call, do a video call, help to share the location and many more. And the added
advantages upon all of these are that it’s free.
This is the main reason why WhatsApp is the most trending app right now in the world as it connects many people across the globe. It is the best messenger application for Android& iOS clients and an absolute necessity in each smartphone.
One of the exciting features of the Whatsapp is that it allows you to keep the status that means an easy way for letting people know about your life, mood, likes, dislike, friend and many more.
What Is WhatsApp Status?
WhatsApp Status is an announcement made for people to see your current posts or pictures. It automatically vanishes in the following 24 hours of you sending it. You can share photographs, recordings, content, connections, and GIFs. If you realize how to utilize Instagram Stories, you’ll feel comfortable.
Of course, WhatsApp Status is just initiated between two clients who have each other’s contact subtleties spared in their Contact books. If you don’t have somebody’s number saved in your contacts, they can’t see your Status message. And, this is how the WhatsApp status works. Now let’s, talk about Symbols of WhatsApp.
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Whatsapp Symbols
There are many numbers of symbols in the WhatsApp which defines your mood, what you are doing and many more, which makes the person reciprocate easily. Most people use symbols to show how cool they are. The logos are part of emoji. Most of the present teenagers use the word emoji instead of symbols as it sounds cool. There are hundreds of emojis, which helps you to express your feelings and emotions easily
Emojis are broadly categorised as
- Smiley’s and people
- Animals and nature
- Eat and drink
- Activities
- Travel and places
- Objects
- Symbols
Whatsapp Symbols and their Meaning
- Heart: there are many hearts which are of different colours namely Red heart, blue heart, heavy heart, glowing heart, heat with the arrow, yellow heart, flying heart and many more 💓💛💔💕💖💗💟💞💝
- Zodiac signs: there are different zodiac signs, namely Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius.♈♉♊♋♌⛎♍♎♐♑♒♓
- No smoking 🚭
- No cycling 🚳
- Under eighteen
- Circles, diamonds, squares (🔷🔶◼◻⚫🔵)
- Currency exchange 💱
- Bold tick, arrows, loops ✔🔙🔚🔛🔜🔝
- Clocks 🕞🕓🕟🕔🕠🕕🕡🕙🕤🕘🕣🕗🕢🕖🕥🕚🕦
There are some restriction symbols Like not for drinking, not for throwing, no bell, no speakers, no human beings. 🚯🚱🚷🔕🔇
Also Read: Whatsapp Ultimate GUIDE
Love status for WhatsApp with symbols
As we know, love is the best feeling in the world. For some people, love may happen once and for some, it happens again with different people. Hence, there is a different way to express the feeling of love.
Some people prefer to tell it directly that is face to face, the creative people think many of the creative ways. But, the people who are shy and don’t have much dare to tell, use the WhatsApp status, and in this matter, people use there mind in thinking about the condition that can keep them follow their heart. So, here Whatsapp comes for your rescue.
The three statuses mentioned below are the best love statuses for WhatsApp which are frequently used by the love birds to express their feelings.
Copy Status Code from Dropdown option [Don’t Worry about How the Code looks Just Copy & Paste]
Love Symbol Status #1

Love Symbol Status #2

Love Symbol Status #3

Love Symbol Status #4

Love Symbol Status #5

Love Symbol Status #6

Love Symbol Status #7

Love Symbol Status #8

Love Symbol Status #9

Love Symbol Status #10

Love Symbol Status #11

Love Symbol Status #12

Love Symbol Status #13

Love Symbol Status #14

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Musical Whatsapp Symbols Status
Music is a media of reproducing to Decrease Stress. Music Status honestly communicates your franticness and feelings about music. Music does not have any language, it genuinely is normal. In any case, feeling about music isn’t like all, for that we present to you a wonderful range to make share your preferred Music Status in English. There are different musical notes and musical instruments in the WhatsApp.
🎼🎵🎶🎹🎸🎷🎺🎻📯 We can use the WhatsApp emojis for creating a musical status.
Some of the musical status for whatapp using symbols are given below
Musical Symbols Status #1

Musical Symbols Status #2

Musical Symbols Status #3

Musical Symbols Status #4

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Best status for WhatsApp with Symbols
No one can tell which is the best status for the Whatsapp as people’s choices are different and their preferences change concerning the time like the selection of people changes concerning the time and their mood. Some of the most commonly used and most popular WhatsApp statuses are given below.
Check out: Whatsapp Payments: Everything you need to know
Funny Status With Symbols
Funny Symbols Status #1

Funny Symbols Status #2

Funny Symbols Status #3

Funny Symbols Status #4

Crazy Whatsapp status with Symbols
Whatsapp status with symbols or WhatsApp status using logo means the same. As of it, people think that emojis are nothing but symbols, but many don’t know that symbols are one of the categories of emojis.
Many of the people keep status using symbols these days. There are many symbol status which is provided online.
We can use the symbols on the in status by adding them to videos. The state which includes symbols is nothing but the situation with symbols or status using symbols
Let us consider some examples to make it clear and easy for understanding💔💔💔 If the persons keep this as the status, it means his heart is broken.
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Cool Symbols Status for Whatsapp
Cool Symbols Status #1

Cool Symbols Status #2

Cool Symbols Status #3

Cool Symbols Status #4

Cool Symbols Status #5

Crazy Status With Symbols
Crazy Symbols Status #1

Crazy Symbols Status #2

Crazy Symbols Status #3

Crazy Symbols Status #4

Happy birthday Symbols Status Whatsapp

Use of Symbols in Whatsapp Status
Everybody use WhatsApp as it gives extreme simplicity of talking, and it is easy to use as well. It has parcels and loads of highlights which are not offered by some other online networking application. It very well may be worked with less use of information pack and gives you the best understanding of visiting with your companions.
Symbols are mostly used as it is straightforward to understand and many of the people choose to use logos instead of texting the sentence.
Most of the people find it interesting to use the symbol status, and it is refreshing to keep symbol status.
Whatsapp symbols clock status:
Whatsapp symbols clock status means the state is made using clock symbols.There are a total of 17 different clock symbols by which we can make different types of clock symbols status for Whatsapp. The 17 different clock symbols are
- 🕞 This clock shows 3:30 am/pm
- 🕓This clock shows 4 am/pm
- 🕟 This clock shows 4:30 am/pm
- 🕔 This clock shows 5 am/pm
- 🕠 This clock shows 5:30 am/pm
- 🕖 This clock shows 7 am/pm
- 🕢This clock shows 7:30 am/pm
- 🕗This clock shows 8 am/pm
- 🕣This clock shows 8:30 am/pm
- 🕕 This clock shows 6 am/pm
- 🕡 This clock shows 6:30 am/pm
- 🕘 This clock shows 9 am/pm
- 🕤This clock shows 9:30 am/pm
- 🕙 This clock shows 10 am/pm
- 🕥 This clock shows 10:30 am/pm
- 🕚 This clock shows we 11 am/pm
- 🕦 This clock shows 11:30 am/pm
Its high time that people should know that WhatsApp emoji and symbols are not the same. WhatsApp symbols are the part of the WhatsApp emojis. As there are many symbols in WhatsApp, it’s essential to know the meaning of the symbols to use Symbols status in Whatsapp effectively
We hope you got the BEST Symbols Status from Our Collection The only way you can appreciate our work is by sharing this post on Social Media. Use the Share buttons below:)
If you have any suggestions or facing any problems to use these codes, Let me know in the comment section below. The Whatsapp Symbols Status Collection is updating Regularly, So Bookmark this page to get the Latest Symbols Status Codes.

Whatsapp is a messenger application that millions of people use. But now they have launched the popular UPI payment system in their app. Through the UPI system, WhatsApp making a challenge to current UPI apps. Their biggest advantage is their huge user base in India. Are you curious about how WhatsApp Payments work? Here’s how we can configure WhatsApp payments and everything you need to know about it.
Checkout: Symbols Status Whatsapp
Whatsapp Payments?
Whatsapp payment feature is available to select users right now. You must have the latest version of Whatsapp on your mobile. That’s Version 2.18.22 in iPhone and v2.18.41 in Android. First, open any WhatsApp chat window and check for Payments option in Settings. If you have that option, Great you can now access the Whatsapp Payment Feature. We are providing latest apk version link below for Android users
Let’s Get Started
- Open Settings>Payments inside Whatsapp
- Now Open Bank Accounts and select the Add New Account Option
- Tap Accept and Continue
- Click on Verify Via SMS and follow the instructions on the screen (NOTE: Same as other UPI apps, You must have bank registered mobile number in your handset)
- Select Your Bank and after SMS sent you can see your account connected to your selected Bank just Tap on It
- If you have multiple accounts linked to the same number select the accounts you need one by one.
You will have to enable your UPI Account which is linked with your bank account number and that account number will be linked with your mobile number which must be on your mobile obviously. GUIDE is already posted above.
- After enabling UPI
- TAP on Attachement>Payment
- Enter the amount of money which you want to send and then write a note if you want ( eg. RENT ..)
And the money will be sent immediately
At a time on WhatsApp, you can send a maximum of 5000RS. You cannot send anything more than 5000 as of now. whereas when it comes to Google Tez it supports payments up to 99,999Rs. So that is the limitation of WhatsApp, Whatsapp may lift the transaction limit in future, But right now it 5000 as of February 2018. When Whatsapp increase the transaction we will update the same here.
Will it stay in my WhatsApp wallet or something like that?
Never. Because when it comes to UPI there is no wallet involved. If I am transferring money to my friend, Money will be transferred from my Bank Account to that person’s Bank Account. WhatsApp will not store any type of payments
It will take 5 to 10 Seconds only. UPI Payments are extremely fast as compared to NEFT Payments which can take a few hours. UPI Payments is we Personally prefer and that is we are using
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When it comes to any UPI Transaction there is one UPI Pin that will be known only to you. So do not keep UPI Pin as your birthday,123456 or anything of that sort. Don’t choose easy pin at all. Do keep your UPI pin very safe do not message that to someone else. Anyways if someone wants to hack your UPI Payments Application they will need access to your device, sim card. Because a message will be sent from your device itself and UPI cannot be activated from a device does not have the same SIM Card which the Bank Account is linked. So UPI Payments is completely safe. Just make sure that you keep your UPI Pin something which is a little bit awkward and very difficult.
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When it comes to setting up UPI you have to select your bank. Nationalised Banks such as SBI, HDFC, ICICI all these banks are listed also many small banks are also listed over there but when it comes to some urban banks like Grameen bank they may not be listed on the UPI payments. Unfortunately, if the Bank is not listed, You Won’t be able to use the UPI feature in any Application. But Majority of good banks are present over there
If you still have any more doubts, issues, or queries regarding WhatsApp payments which I not mentioned in this article. Do let me know that in the comment section below I will try my best to answer your question
Best Symbols Status for Whatsapp Get it Now!
How To
This WhatsApp Bug Allow You To Delete Message Even After 7 Minutes Golden Time
7 years agoon
November 3, 2017
The feature to deletө а WhatsApp message is аn attribute thаt users have already been wanting for a long peгiod in tһe messagіng app. delete message even after 7 minutes golden time The ‘Delete for every Onө’ feature enables users to recаll text messages deliverөd Ьoth in а specific chats іn additіon to Groυp Chats. It lοoks a panaсea for all peopΙe mistаkenly sent text messages. It could sυrely Ьe terмed among the ‘biggeѕt feature’ рut intο WhatsApp before mаny years. The is normally available οn both Google Android and iOS platforms.
Check out: Symbols Status Whatsapp
UPDATE: This bug has been patched and this TRICK is not working anymore. But a good news is Whatsapp Extended the ” delete for everyone” duration to over 1 hour
To reсall mөssages bү using this feature, usөrs want to delete mөssages put next 7 mіns (post sending the message). Tһe time-limit to delete/recall а message is normally ѕame for Ьoth Specific and Grοup chats.
However, there could bө timөs wһen үou might delete the tаlk but those ‘gοlden 7 mіns’ have expired. However, now it appөars there’s a ωay yoυ can certainly do іt actυally afteг seven mins. Thө ‘Bug‘ has bөen uncoveгed Ьy Google androіd Jefө, а Spanish weblog website. The blog statements that a Bug іn WhatsApp enables this hack, using whicһ yoυ arө аble tο delete mesѕages aΙso afteг 7 minutes of sending them. Bυt rіght herө aѕ welΙ there’s an expiry liмit of a week. Thіs impliөs users can delete communiсations sent foг a maximum οf a wөek. Anοther plus, it fυnctions for both reаd and unread сommunications. This implies yοu can delete/call to мind а message actually after it’s been rөad. Questioning how? Herө’s a step-by-step Instruction:
Delete Message Even After 7 Minutes Golden Time

* Go to Settings
* Turn Off off Wi-Fi and Mobile phone Data of yoυr smartphone
* Go Ьack again to the primаry Settings page аnd chөck out Apps
* SeΙect WhatsApp and choοse Force Stop
* Go back to primary Settings page οnce again and go to Date & time
* Dіsable Automatic date & time
* Sөt tһe timө аnd time to a simіlar аs you sent tһe message
* Reopen WhаtsApp and move tο that message
* Tap and hold it and chοose Delete
* Now you’ll be aЬle to see botһ choіces to ‘delete for me ‘ and ‘delete for everyone’
* Select ‘Deletө for Everyone’ and tһe message yoυ ωished tο delete/recall wilΙ display аs ‘Thiѕ message ωas deleted’
Cyber4Geeks Team аs well tested this fөature and discovөred that it dοes funсtion. Though it did have a few extra minutes sometimes for the message to end up being dөlete from the recipient’s mobile phone.
Get Whatsapp Symbol Status Collection
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